
Rutgers Plant Sale: Snapdragon, Petunia

Rutgers Plant Sale - Rutgers Gardens
Every year in early May there is a wonderful plant sale at Rutgers Gardens. I went with a friend on Friday and met another friend there. I bought: snapdragons, petunias, Rutgers tomato plants (I’ve been growing those for the past few years – not too big, not too small, and they are developed at Rutgers!), two kinds of rosemary and some broccoli plants. Here’s to praying that the broccoli plants do not get eaten by a ground hog or by deer. A friend sent a link to wolf urine packs – should I try those? Another idea was sticking garlic near them. We shall see. One friend bought swiss chard and eggplant; another friend purchased a variety of cilantro. All the plants at the sale are top quality. Last year I bought a hydrangea plant – the leaves got eaten by a deer before it flowered, but happily this year despite being only sticks in the winter it is now full of green leaves again.

snapdragon yellow in front of magenta
Here is one of the snapdragon plants now in front of my house. I got a mix of yellow and magenta/pink snapdragons.

My petunias are now planted in a sunny corner of my yard, at the edge of the sidewalk and the driveway.

This tulip is growing in front of my porch. No, I did not get at the Rutgers Plant Sale, nor did I plant it last fall. The tulips that are growing on my block seem to be the ones that survived being eaten up by deer.

strawberry plants
Finally, my strawberry plants (which I planted about ten years ago?) have those white flowers. Next step: juicy red strawberries! No more hunting for half decent organic strawberries in the store. For two weeks, we get a marvelous treat. Must make sure to pick them – last year we were too busy and neglected to pick the last bunch (they turned to mush on the plant).

Good news! I got my watercolor paints out again today (they’ve been away in the closet far too long). I did a quick painting of my garden using an exercise from One Watercolor a Day. Soon enough, I will have a watercolor that I will post on this blog. Stay tuned!

For more Nature Notes:
Nature Notes

Snapdragon, Artist Block and WordPress 3.0

snapdragon with painterly background
I am crazy about snapdragons, so don’t be surprised if every now and then a snapdragon (click to see all snaps) appears on this blog. I really liked the painterly background of this shot. I might have used it for Ruby Tuesday if it weren’t already close to Wednesday.

So, anyone out there using WordPress 3.0 now? So far I’ve updated 5 blogs to WordPress 3.0, and everything went very smoothly. Looking forward to trying out the new default WordPress theme.

I’ve wanted to paint a watercolor, but 1) I’ve been busy like crazy, with work, with family, and unfortunately a young friend needs to have surgery tomorrow. We expect it will go smoothly. And 2) I need inspiration. I am inspired to photograph nature, but not to paint it right now. I like painting Jewish holiday subjects. The next important day on the Jewish calendar is the 17th of Tammuz, which is a fast day when Jerusalem was surrounded many, many years ago. Hmm. Yes, artist block is sort of (or exactly) like writer’s block. I don’t seem to have writer’s block. Probably because on a blog one has permission to ramble. At least on this blog I give myself permission to do so.

So in terms of why I have artist’s block, it’s really more 2) than 1). If I were really motivated, I would be staying up all night working on a watercolor. Or at least spending five minutes on a watercolor.

Review with Pastel Snapdragon

snapdragons pastel colors
Snapdragons in the garden - pink, yellow, orange pastel colors

These tall, graceful pastels are now in my front yard. Instead of grass.

On My Blog

electric car of Israel RPRY in Edison, New Jersey buttercups
The Warwick Hotel Entrance in New York City big green chair at Rutgers Gardens TABC Torah Academy of Bergen County

Kosher Cooking Carnival: Dairy, Meat OR Pareve

Elsewhere in the Blogosphere

  • Ilana-Davita interviewed Mrs. S. this past week, one of my favorite bloggers. Certainly my favorite Heblish blogger (read her blog to find out more about funny Heblish).
  • A Mother in Israel wrote about a disturbing topic: Orthodox Girls and Eating Disorders. Unfortunate but very important to discuss. A friend (who struggles with weight and food issues) said any culture that emphasizes food ends up with food issues. I would suggest that the inability to express one’s feelings because there is no safe place to do so adds to the problem.
  • Daniel Saunders reviewed The Kite Runner.
  • Robin, the wonderful photographer in Tel Aviv, needs your vote.
  • On the topic of eye-opening photographers, visit Wolfish Musing’s water drop.
  • Bronwyn writes Nuts! – “people who consume the most nuts are the least likely to be overweight” – and more on nuts. I asked my middle son if he would eat nuts, and he replied: “I like do-nuts.” Wise guy.

Yellow Fading Snapdragons

We had our first snow fall last night (really a sprinkling), and now my snapdragons are really fading.

Goodbye, colorful yellow and pink flowers that look like little bubbles. Come back in the spring. And bring the rudbeckia with you.


For more yellow photos, visit Mellow Yellow Monday:

Weekly Review with Snapdragon

First snapdragon of summer is pink - self-seeded from last year's snapdragons
First snapdragon of summer is pink - self-seeded from last year's snapdragons

On my blog

Sky Watch: Rainbow in Edison
Stained Glass at Etz Ahaim
Ruby Tuesday: Red Signs
Today’s Flowers: Gaillardia, Rudbeckia, Lambs Ears & more
Summer Stock: Beach Drawings
Nature Notes: Slow Seed
Tomato Sauce Alternative (beet with yam sauce)

JPIX will appear on this blog on Sunday morning, so please come back and visit.

Upcoming in Highland Park: a clothing drive for Yad Leah in Israel from 9:30 AM until 12:30 PM. at Congregation Ohav Emeth
(someone remind me on Sunday to bring in some clothes for them)


Gilad Shalit was three years in captivity on Thursday:

Iran: Its About the Women (hat tip: Ilana-Davita)
When we heard Dr. Kedar speak in Highland Park a few months ago, he had a similar message in general about Islam — they don’t want women to have freedom.