We haven’t gone on many trips this summer, as it has been quite hot, other than to the pool. Here’s dinner at the Longstreet Farm in Holmdel, New Jersey as it may have been in the 1890’s. Looks like they are having ham, asparagus, grapes, lemons and — is that challah?— a twisted bread, served on delicate blue china. We are planning to go on a family trip today.
For more Summer Stock photos, visit Robin’s Around the Island:
This family of birds was living in the rafters at the Longstreet Farm in Holmdel, New Jersey.
My daughter had the opportunity to milk a cow at the farm. On the left is that cow’s calf, whose birth helped the cow be a plentiful nurser.
In local sad news, the mama of the guinea pigs we adopted for the summer has died. We buried her in our backyard. In the words of my veterinarian friend, she was “geriatric” (over four years old). The guinea pigs’ original owner comforted me over the phone, saying, I was afraid this might happen. I think I was more upset than my daughter. My daughter noticed that I’ve been checking on the remaining two a lot, and she said I’m glad you don’t fret over me like that.
For more Nature Notes, visit:
In memory of Bobbie (click to read Michelle’s memorable post about her dear friend):
Tea Set from 1890's at Longstreet Farm in Holmdel, New Jersey
It’s been quite a while since I did a blog review, and I owe a few people links, so I will aim to do them when I can on a Sunday morning instead of a Friday. I have more photos from the Longstreet Farm, but it was such a hot and sunny day that many of the pictures I took came out too bright. I may need to ton them down in Photoshop. The above one is a model of what might have appeared in the Longstreet farmhouse in the 1890’s. The original farmhouse was built in 1775 and more parts were added on in later years.
Ilana-Davita posted an apricot cake recipe, and it inspired me to make a peach cake, though I used an apple cake recipe and modified it.
Mrs. S. recommends the book Don’t Go Near the Water: “This wonderful, lighthearted, and hilariously funny novel focuses on a US naval PR unit based on Tulura (a fictional Pacific island) during World War II.”
On the subject of funny books, Jew Wishes recommends The Frozen Rabbi. But she didn’t like the end. Too bad.