Welcome to JPiX, the Jewish Photo Blogger Carnival, winter 2014 edition. Hope you will enjoy the tour of Jewish-inspired photos from around the world. Today we are visiting Israel, Crimea, California and Highland Park, New Jersey. Featured are a funeral and a wedding; sushi and bread; snow, sunsets and koi. I like to start with Batya, because if it weren’t for her, this carnival would not exist. If you like an image, please visit the post and leave a comment for the photographer. Comments welcome on this post as well, of course.
Cosmic X
If you want to submit to a future edition of JPiX Jewish Photo Blogger Carnival, the form is on the JPiX page. The next edition will probably be in June or July 2014. If anyone would like to volunteer to host (a brave proposition because you need to be good with a photo editor), you can let me know by comment or by the JPiX form.
JPiX is the Jewish Photo Bloggers’ Blog Carnival. Click on each thumbnail to view original post.
Three by Batya: Herodian ruins, shopping mall, Old City of Jerusalem
Three by Sharon of Real Streets of Jerusalem: fruit stand, Gan Sacher on Israel’s 64th birthday, Jerusalem Day
Left: chol hamoed Pesach visit to the Israel Museum in Yerushalayim by Mrs. S. and Right: Ari Sephardi Synagogue by Laurie Rappeport courtesy of Daled Amos
Left: New Season of Archaeological Digging at Tel Shiloh by Yisrael Medad; Middle and Right: Yemin Moshe, a tiny neighborhood in Jerusalem, near the Old City; and Tower of David by Toby
Left: sunflower bud by Jewaicious; Middle and Right: Poppy and fence; Golden Hour by Robin
Three photos by Leah: Pidyon haben, framed Kotel photo, Lag B’omer collage detail
Three by Leora: Chametz burning, Lavan, Yaakov and Rachel, cherry blossoms
JPiX Spring 2012 is now live on Ilana-Davita’s blog. I hope you will take the time to visit and leave a comment on her blog and on the blogs of some of the photographers. I counted eighteen (18) photographers in this edition.
Adar is the Jewish month that contains Purim, a fun holiday with costumes, hamantaschen, and reading of the Book of Esther. The Adar blog carnivals are a good way to learn about Purim (and so much more).
Thank you so much to Phyllis aka Imabima who is hosting Haveil Havelim and gave top billing to JPiX. Learn more about JPiX and submit your own relevant photos or artwork on the JPiX page. The next JPiX will be hosted by Ilana-Davita on March 12.
Thank you to Yosefa for hosting the Adar Kosher Cooking Carnival. Visit the KCC post for delicious recipes and more.
Watercolor on the right is a detail from a painting I did in preparation for the Shabbat painting on this post. I love painting wine glasses.
Home baked challot, December 2009
Ilana-Davita will be hosting the upcoming Jewish Photo Bloggers Carnival (JPiX) on March 12. If you have a post to submit, you can learn more on the JPiX page.
Thank you to Batya for hosting JPiX, the Jewish Photo Bloggers Blog Carnival, Feast Your Eyes Edition.
Cosmic X: The Whole World is Like a Narrow Bridge
I will be hosting the fall edition of JPiX. If anyone wants to host a winter edition, please let me know. If you have an appropriate post, please submit the post for the fall edition.
Light in the darkness, photo by Robin
Thank you to Robin for hosting JPiX – it’s a beautiful almost Chanukah edition. JPiX is the Jewish Photo Bloggers’ Blog Carnival – this edition has a dancer, a synagogue, a lovely Rozie, sukkot, flowers, a funky car in Jerusalem, and more.
I will be posting the Post Chanukah edition on December 26 – if you want to participate, please submit a link here.