Last week I saw this brown mourning dove wander about in my yard.
Soon after he noticed that I was following him (her?) around with my camera, he settled on this high phone wire in the back of my yard.
Oh, by the way, did you know that Noah sent out a dove: “And he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground.” But before the dove, he sent out a raven. I didn’t have any ravens showing up in my back yard.
My neighbor’s burning bush is quite spectacular – bright red at this time of year. Ah, another Biblical reference, except the burning bush doesn’t show up in the weekly Torah reading until winter time.
Here’s the how the dry oak leaf hydrangea flower looks – this photo was taken the same day as the red hydrangea leaf photos.
Oak Leaf Hydrangea Turns Pink; Heuchera on the Side
Life has been busy. Birthday party on Sunday morning went well, and we (husband, middle son and I) went to see a movie about the 12th century scholar Rashi on Monday night (Rashi: A Light After the Dark Ages). I am trying hard to keep up with my work, so less time (and energy) to blog right now. Do I have anything interesting to report? Yesterday my car didn’t start in the Middlesex County College parking lot (it was lot 11 – they have lots of parking lots there) with three kids in the car. Triple A (AAA) fixed it – it needed a new battery – but while we awaiting AAA’s arrival, the girls (my daughter and her friend) found a little artificial stream to play in. They claimed to have seen two beavers, one a baby beaver. I was glad I didn’t have my camera, because I needed to focus on the matters at hand (getting the car fixed!).
A little less than a week ago I thought about writing a post called “Disagreeing Respectfully.” But then life got so busy, I can’t remember what I was going to say on the topic. Could be my subconscious need to avoid conflict.
Haveil Havalim, the blog carnival of the Jewish blogosphere, was hosted by Toby of Efrat in the Rolling Hills of Judea, The 4th of July Weekend Edition.
Did you have any car problems this week? Any other problems you want to talk about? Or you can just enjoy the oak leaf hydrangea with a bit of pink in the petals and the waving dotted heuchera (coral bells) next to the hydrangea flower.