Rose of Sharon, dried out buds in the January sky The sky really was this white on this day in mid-January. Today, in early February, we are having a thaw, and I looked outside for signs of crocuses. Maybe my neighbor’s snowdrops will come up soon? The ground is still too hard to plant peas, but I should order some new ones and some inoculant to plant with the pea seeds.
This was cropped from a 2006 photo, taken from my old digital Kodak Canon Powershot. I see the photo is not as crisp as those taken with my current Canon Powershot. Could be my skill has improved. It is a threadleaf coreopsis.
Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely and fun meme.
Since last week I posted a gazania flower, this week I am featuring a gaillardia (also known as a blanket flower), taken at the same farm back in September.
Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely and fun meme.
This is the last flower I can find on my block. It is in a neighbor’s front yard, a neighbor who has many perennials planted in front of her house instead of grass.
I believe this is a kind of heather of the family Erica.
Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely and fun meme.
I took some photos of my garden this past week. Above is what’s left of a bloom on my rose of sharon tree; below is how it looked last summer.
Rose of sharon from August 2008
Azalea of December 2008
The azalea bush in April 2008
A rose bud of last week as seen in my backyard
A November rose from the same bush
Above is a lambs ears photographed last week.
This was the only photo of a lambs ears flower of mine that I could find. The lambs ears are more treasured for their leaves than their excessively bright pink flowers.
Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely and fun meme.
It’s cold and gray and *not* snowing (we got just a sprinkle) in New Jersey (I like snow, it makes me happy), so I am reaching into the archives and bringing you this tall, pretty flower (agapanthaceae or agapanthus, thank you to my brilliant European blogger friends, Ilana-Davita and Jientje) that I photographed last July in the City of David outside the Old City of Jerusalem.
Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely and fun meme.
This dianthus is the last flower in my front yard, other than a straggly, lanky, tall yellow snapdragon. It waves its purplish pink petals at us, like a flag of surrender to the oncoming winter months.
Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely and comforting meme.
Here are a few photos I took of my garden last week. Above is a rudbeckia, a black-eyed susan, peeking out from behind white alyssum.
Pretty much all my annuals have now faded or died. In the spring I’ll photograph the azaleas, here shown with red leaves, that are under the andromeda shrub.
A lonely pink rose in my backyard: sometimes we get roses on a warm winter day. But this past week brought frost each night; yesterday felt like January. Still no signficant snow, however.
Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely and lively meme.