Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Watery Wednesday: Bridge over Raritan River into Highland Park

This bridge leads over the Raritan River into Highland Park from New Brunswick. It is hard to believe that in the 18th century one had to take a ferry to cross over the river. The bridge was named the Lincoln Highway Bridge in 1914 according to Jeanne Kolva, a local expert historian. You can find a timeline of when all the Highland Park bridges were built here.

I liked this shot of the bridge a little better than the top photo (do you see graffiti as art or as pollution or ?), but no water in this shot.

For more watery photos, visit Watery Wednesday:

Ilana-Davita says

The bridge looks different in the two shots, as if you had photographed not one but two bridges.
I'll probably sound old-fashioned but very often graffiti look more like damage than art.

Ellie says

My little one is asking are there any train bridges over there :) He is into trains. Graffity - don't mind them unless they are on my wall :)
I agree with llana-Davita - look like two different bridges.
My husband is so in love with the mushrooms I made yesterday - he said any other way to prepare mushrooms is a waste of mushrooms - thank you again for the idea!

leoraw says

Ellie, there's a train bridge right next to this one. It's the top one in this post:

Looks like I had much bluer skies on that day.

Glad your husband liked the mushrooms!

2sweetnsaxy says

Nice shots. I find bridges fascinating in that I think it's feat that they can actually build something in air between two spots.

I like graffiti but I think whether it's art or a destruction of property depends greatly upon where it is located and the content.

Elisabeth Kiole says

I like the first photo. Grafitti is a kind of art, but most of them are pollution.

Jientje says

It can be both, I think?
Love the top picture best though!

Valkyrien says

I like the first shot - maybe because I have a bridge today also! :)

Grafitti? If they knew how to paint something interesting, and stayed away from private and historic buildings, I could strech myself to say ok. Some are really beautiful and funny - most is simply damage. But that is my opinion.

Will says

At least this graffiti is colorful and neatly done.Interesting shot.

Denise says

Hi Leora, I enjoyed your photos, thank you. Graffiti is a hard one. I guess my answer would depend on whether it is a destructive kind of art and maybe how good the artist is. We have a school we drive by every now and again, and they let the kids get rid of their artistic energy by painting graffiti on a small concrete utility building on the main road. Each time we pass by it always has changes. It tells a story of what's going on at the school. Personally I think it's a smart idea of the powers-that-be to allow this, because I see no other graffiti anywhere else on the school grounds or anywhere else in the area and it definitely allows freedom of expression. I have never seen anything vulgar on it either.

leoraw says

I like the idea that they let them get out their energies by painting graffiti. A lot of it is just that, looking for a place for self-expression. Unfortunately, too many "self-express" in places that they shouldn't and in vulgar ways.

J Bar says

Every now and again, I see some graffiti that looks great but generally I see it as pollution.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Guy D says

What a unique bridge, great shots.

Regina In Pictures

Carletta says

I love the first shot! It has so much more character than the newer steel bridges of today.
I wish there was a proper place for graffiti. I don't like seeing it on the bridge. I like the idea Denise commented about. I like pictures - not initials.

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Janet says

Sometimes graffiti can be artistic, but other times just destructive.

Tammie says

water really adds to any setting, city, nature, bath tub;-}. Lovely. Thanks for sharing.

leoraw says

I'm enjoying all the commentary on graffiti. It seems that many of you note its destructive nature. We need more positive outlets (but please don't raise taxes to do this).

Marie says

I love the graffiti style of art but wish that they would put it on a canvas instead!

Regina says

Nice captured of the water and the bridge.

Arja says

I really like the arches on the bridge. Nice shots.

Jew Wishes says

What wonderful photos, Leora! I like the perspectives.

Graffiti is often artistic, yet at the same time it can be a form of pollution, depending on where it is located, and what is expressed.

Dhaval Jani says

I like the first one better... :) (I do like Graffiti but just out of these 2 shots) how did u manage to get that low? is there a road where you could pullover to get that perspective?

leoraw says

Good question! I walked over the bridge, hoping to get some good shots of the water. There is a walkway right next to the water, on the New Brunswick side. However, the water didn't smell good, nor did the air. There were some "bums" hanging out nearby. The birds flew too fast for me to capture any with my camera. I didn't stay long.

amanda says

these are rgeat shots and I love to see your posts of back East, best part though is the link to learn more I always like to do that when I see something new!

srp says

Bridges have always fascinated me. These are great shots.

East Gwillimbury WOW! says

Looks a sturdy, well-built bridge. I think bridges were built better a century ago than they are now. ;-)

ramblingwoods says

I do see the graffiti as defacing property that is not yours. I wish some of the people would use their artistic talent in a productive way..

leoraw says

That's a good point...this is not their property.

WNC Mountain Living says

I like the first shot - looks like an old bridge - the architecture is wonderful.

Tom says

The name of the bridge in the top photo is the Albany Street Bridge, not the Lincoln Highway Bridge, no matter what the local historian says. I grew up in New Brunswick, my parents, grandparents and great grandfather lived there as well and to the best of my knowledge, always referred to it by that name. Regarding The second photo, I have to agree with one other poster that it doesn't appear to be part of the same bridge being the light fixture and guardrail are of different designs.


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