Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Mom Daughter in Sepia

mom and daughter
I love the way portraits look in sepia. I took a piece of a photo that my son took and used this tutorial called Basic Sepia Tone Old Effect. In the tutorial it suggests changing the whole image to Grayscale; instead, I just used Desaturate on one layer in Photoshop.

mom and daughter in color
Here is the original cropped section of the photo in full color. I used the clone stamp tool to change my husband’s bright lime t-shirt into the coloring of the tree behind. Here’s a good tutorial that demonstrates the use of the clone stamp tool.

For more photos with sepia, visit Sepia Scenes:

bench in sepia

Mrs. S. says


I guess you could say that your husband literally faded into the woodwork... ;-)

leoraw says

It's more than the daughter is really the only one willing to be depicted on the blog - husband and eldest are much more private folk.

Mottel says

Great picture! The sepia makes it that much better!

G6 says

Beautiful shot!

Ralph says

You girls are so loving, affectionate and so happy to be together! This is a wonderful picture both ways: The color photo seems so natural in a natural setting. The sepia - we can see the familial resemblance and the happy mood as you are together. An intrsting comparison, a beautiful family!

Risa says

There's something about sepia that makes you imagine a whole story to go with the photo!

Ilana-Davita says

The original shot is excellent (congratulations to your son) but what you have done with the sepia tone and by getting rid of the t-shirt is really good too. I find that - like black and white - sepia blurs time. This picture will still look great in the future and will be more difficult to date than the original.

EG Wow says

I like this photo of you and your daughter very much! Both versions are keepers!

Kris says

Such a beautiful photo! I love portraits like this, and like someone else said, the sepia effect makes them timeless. Such a sweet picture, too.

John McDevitt says

Nice work. It's a much better image in sepia.

Jew Wishes says

It's beautiful in sepia, as it is in color. Each visual has its unique qualities. The sepia adds a nostalgic and timeless touch to the photo.

Robin from Israel says

What a beautiful photo of the two of you, I like it even better in sepia than in color (a rarity for me). The sepia really brings out the beauty in your faces, with no distractions from the green background or purple shirt. Great job with the cloning too.

leoraw says

Thanks - I was going to do even more, like using the burn tool and the dodge tool to bring out highlights or darken shadows, but I said, enough! I really enjoy working on photos.

Carletta says

OH, this is lovely!
The sepia doesn't distract us with lots of colors so we are more focused on the loving smiling faces before us.
Nice processing Leora!

Nancy Bea says

Wow, nice! And thanks for the good info. I always simply desaturate as well, and then go on from there.

Tricia says

really nice job, it looks great!

Patti V. says

Beautiful photo of you and your sweet daughter, Leora. The sepia brings an old-fashioned feel to the picture, as if it had been taken many years ago.

Really nice.
I don't have photoshop, so I don't know whereof you speaketh. ;-)

Gena @ thinking aloud says

I love it too - somehow sepia gives such amazing "character" to a photo!
Gena @ thinking aloud

Gail says

What a wonderful picture of you both!

Baila says

The pictures express your joy at being together. Loved them both (but yes, the sepia was really special).

Carver says

I love this shot. You both look great and so happy. I wish I had more shots of me and my daughter when she was growing up. I was always the one taking the pictures so I have at least 10 times as many shots I took of her with her Dad as opposed to mother/ daughter ones.

leoraw says

Carver, it's a pleasure to have a son who can take a good photo! My daughter once took a photo of me, too, but it was at a funny angle and not terribly flattering. But I know what you mean about always being the one behind the camera. Sometimes people offer to take photos of us so they can use my big lens.

kaye says
Ellie says

You got rid of the hubby :) It looks great in any color because both you any your daughter look fabulous! I can tell she likes to be cuddled by mommy! My little one is the same way. Sometimes he likes to pretend he is a cat and comes to rub on me and his daddy :)
I've been away from my blog for a while. I designed a new website - I had no clue what to do but hubby installed me Artisteer thing that made it easy. You can check my "design" at I know I sound silly but I enjoyed creating the site - playing with colors.

leoraw says

Wow, you've gone political. I'll have to start reading.

Good to hear from you.

Ellie says

I'm just ranting - has nothing to do with my photo blog, just wanted to share with you my designing baby :)I still have to fix the spacing between the lines and stuff like that. It was difficult for me I have no idea how did you learn so much about web-design - it is such a mess. I had my husband helping when I got stuck :)

leoraw says

Thanks for sharing.

I did a lot of self-teaching on web design when pregnant with middle son and home with baby eldest. I had previously studying computer programming, so I knew I enjoyed code. I like a good challenge.

Icy BC says

You both look so pretty in sepia tone! I like the original one too!

Jill says

What a sweet photo.

ramblingwoods says

What a beautiful pair you two make. Enjoy this time, it goes too fast... I am going to look at the tutorials you posted because I am trying to learn more about editing..I will have to find a photo of daughter and me..and then try to scan it...My scanner is old...Michelle


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