Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Interview with Raritan Air Water Power Service

Zev Rosenberg of Raritan Service Air Water PowerI am pleased to introduce Zev and Leslie Rosenberg of Raritan Air Water Power Service. This is part of a series of guest interviews with small business owners in New Jersey. For a past interview, see Interview with NJ Playgrounds.

I previously wrote about Raritan Air Water Power in this post called Say Thank You – a trait the Rosenbergs do well! I got to know the Rosenbergs when our sons were in the same Cub Scout pack.

When did you start your business? We started our heating and air conditioning company here in February 2005. However, we were in business for a number of years when we lived in Potomac, MD. Zev has been in this field for 30 years.

How do you market your business? Currently we market mostly through word-of-mouth. We also send customers reminders about preventative maintenance that should be done in the winter and spring. Being part of the Highland Park First Aid Squad discount card also brings in additional business and customers seem to appreciate the savings.

Customers are very interested in energy savings and we try to alert them to ways to save. There is tremendous opportunity in high efficiency equipment right now due to federal tax credits and utility rebates.

Have you used social media? We currently have a page on Facebook. Readers can become a fan of our page at Raritan Air Water Power Service. We give tips and reminders there on savings and ways to manage your home.

What are some ways a business can keep customers? The most important thing is 100% quality control. For us that means every job that we do the customer has to get a follow-up phone call asking them how things are going and if we met their expectations. Let’s face it, people have come to expect lousy service. When someone’s not happy with the service they’ve received they are likely to go elsewhere, thinking it’s not worth the hassle. Occasionally we have to go back on a service call or installation. It makes the whole situation easier on the customer if we call them. I think people appreciate that you followed up even if they don’t have a problem. Most people are just shocked that once you get paid you even care! That is the biggest thing.

The second thing is to let people know that sometimes they have options of what they can do to repair their equipment. If they do have options, I like to present them and let people decide what best meets their needs.

Third, whenever I make any kind of suggestion on what needs to be repaired, I ask myself, “what would I do if this were my home or business.” I think people appreciate that you are trying to keep their perspective and or help them make decisions that are in their best interest.

Finally, in this current economic climate people need options for paying which is why we take credit cards.

How do you suggest dealing with a difficult customer? The first thing is that you have to establish realistic expectations and listen to what your customer is saying. We try and spell out for people exactly what we can and cannot do and what they should expect. Also you have to understand that not everybody wants what you have to offer. Many contractors will do anything to “get the job.” Because I live here I can’t offer to give someone less than what they need.

•   •   •

Thank you so much, Zev and Leslie, for this interview.

I jokingly told Leslie I was going to photograph one of our toilets, which Zev has fixed while checking our heating system or our air conditioning (he’s multi-talented), but instead I will show you their logo and phone number:
Raritan Service

Do you have any questions for Zev or Leslie? Or if you would just like to cheer them on, please feel free to leave a comment.

Adele says

Excellent article and wonderful service. I know personally.

Amy says

The best ever, both in service and the people running the business.

Ilana-Davita says

We also send customers reminders about preventative maintenance that should be done in the winter and spring.
I always thought this was a good idea. Our vet does this for the dog's and the cat's vaccines.
The follow up service seems great. Something I wish more businesses would do.
Very interesting article and one I'll probably use in one of my Business English classes. Thank you.
I have one question (for the time being):
- How many people do they employ?

Hannah @A Mother in Israel says

Great interview. I like to read about small businesses, especially successful ones.
Leora, if you find any good plumbers out my way via your social media contacts, let me know.
I discovered a leak and I'm afraid it may involve breaking a wall.

leoraw says

Zev does plumbing. I'll tell him to visit you on his next trip to Israel.

Leslie Rosenberg says

Thanks for your comments. The owner works full-time and then we have wonderful part-time help.

Ilana-Davita says

Thank you Leslie for our answer. We need more people like you.

Jew Wishes says

Excellent interview, Leora! Well done.

Louis la Vache says

«Louis» applauds you for supporting small businesses. It is easy to overlook the fact that small businesses are the real engine of our economy.

leoraw says

Yes, Louis, some of the most innovative people work for small businesses.

ramblingwoods says

We have a family held business that does our heating and a/c needs and a family run plumbing business..I love dealing with those kinds of places.. Great interview Leora... We just had our furnace checked as we do every year...the a/c too.. Michelle

terry says

dear leora..when my husband worked at wabasso cotton mill, where they made the material for blue jeans and for sheets and pillow cases and towels, the scraps used to be just thrown away. then one day a jewish company began to collect the scraps of material and turned them into beautiful barbie doll ingenious was THAT?!!
just like the lord turned those fish and bread scraps into so many bushels of food!
this was such a great and interesting post leora..
i will read more of your posts.
i am pretty sure that we golden children have jewish in our blood.
when dad was born and he never knew his father, he was a golden when gramma married. he never knew his real dad.
one day many, many years later,when gramma was looking at one of her great golden grandchildren, she whispered in a small voice to me, "your dad's father passed away today"..
i got the st catharines newspaper where the obituary was and i cut out the announcement...the man's name was wallace goodson and he was a jewish man. gramma named dad golden, cecil wallace golden"
mr. goodson's oldest son was named wally and when his wife, rachel passed away about fifteen years ago, i went to the funeral...i never told who i was but when i met wally, he looked just like my dad and he had a daughter and when i looked into her face, it was just like i was looking into my own face in a mirror.
i never ever told my dad this because he always said that grampa golden was the only father that he wanted.
so sad in a way because it would really be nice that he would have at least met his brother, wally and his two sisters.
sorry for my long wind but i have such a heart for the jewish people, the nation of god's own choosing!
from terry.

thank you for your kind comment at my blog.

leoraw says

An interesting story, Terry. I hope you will learn more about Judaism by reading other Jewish bloggers or visiting Jewish educational websites. One can spend a lifetime learning.


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