Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Nature Notes: Birds in Back

It seems the time to see birds in my backyard is midday on a warmish day after a cold spell. Then they come in groups. All of these photos were taken through a window, so they are a bit fuzzy. The robins were bouncing around from tree to tree a few days ago.

male cardinal
A male cardinal was in the far end of my backyard. The telephoto lens on my camera allowed me to see this little guy.

blue jay
I don’t often see blue jays in my backyard, but last week a group visited. They had a female and a male cardinal with them, too.

I wasn’t the only one birdwatching; I got a fuzzy photo of the neighbor’s cat, but you’ve all seen a cat before. This one was just lolling about in my garden, watching for possible prey. I bought a bird feeder in a sock at the supermarket (that I haven’t seen touched by bird or squirrel), and I found a window bird feeder online that I will order soon. After I get some work done.

For more Nature Notes, visit Rambling Woods:
Nature Notes

ramblingwoods says

Lovely birds...sorry you have a cat in your area, we have two and they do take a toll on birds. The sock in probably thistle seed. The tiny black seed is a favorite of American Goldfinch, but the larger birds like cardinals and jay don't eat it. It can take a while after putting up a feeder for the birds to find it especially in winter as they scope out all the good feeder areas in the fall. Blue jays love peanuts and cracked corn. Cardinals like safflower and sunflower seed. Robins will eat insects when they can find them and berries when they can't. I won't see any robins till spring. I put our raisins that have been soaking in water to plump up. I leave them on a tray near a tree... Thanks for posting the Nature Notes Thursday...Michelle

leoraw says

Michelle, thanks for all the bird feeding tips. Yes, the sock did specify finches. I'll buy the other kinds of seed for the window feeder I plan to order.

Ilana-Davita says

I am impressed by the beauty of these birds.

Jew Wishes says

I love the cardinals in winter, and the way the robins prance and dance. I love your photos...wonderful nature captures of our feathered friends.

stine, Canada says

How interesting that you see the birds at midday! I'll have to pay more attention at that time. I usually see them here in the early morning and late afternoon. But I cannot see the birds well from inside my house. I have to take my camera outdoors!

leoraw says

I would say they visit here at noon then fly up to see you later, except you live in Canada. So that would imply dumb birds. Can't be that.

James says

They are beautiful. I never get tired of seeing the birds of this part of the country.

Bird says

Hi Leora! These are beautiful birds you have in your garden! And with the feeders, I hope you will get more :)I get the birds coming through mid morning - there are some that are always around but a little mixed flock of tits flies through about eleven and they are lovely, you could set your watch by them too. I am hoping they will start using my new bird feeder but so far only one nut has been nibbled! I just saw on the news that this weather we are having in the UK may be the biggest wildlife disaster in living memory so I hope they find it soon :( It was lovely to see you pop by my blog the other day, I am frantically trying to catch up with blog friends. Will visit Ramblingwoods next!

leoraw says

I am honored that you left your lovely comment in your frantic-ness. I've heard the UK has had wild, unconventional weather. May everyone be safe. May we all enjoy the wonders of nature, including the birds and the snow.

Eileen says

Great birds and photos! I love watching my backyard birds.

Baila says

I loved it when the blue jays and cardinals came to visit our yard on Long Island--we never had those birds in Brooklyn, so I felt it was really special. In Brooklyn all we had was pigeons. :-)

Vicki says

You have some of my favorite birds there. I've debated about putting up a feeder, but haven't tried it yet.

Carver says

I love these shots of your backyard birds.

Thanks for visiting my blog and to answer your question on the imaginary flower post the seed balls are from a sweet gum tree. The Sycamore trees have round balls too but they aren't as spikey as black gum tree ones.

I used to have a sycamore tree but it got diseased and 19 years ago my then five year old daughter broke her collar bone climbing it. She was in the back with a 12 year old neighbor who was keeping an eye on her. The older child came running in sceaming that a branch Judith was climbing on had broken, and I never forgave the Sycamore tree (or myself) when I saw my baby lying on the ground. It is funny in a way because not only did I have the tree cut down, I have many others trees but don't ever want another Sycamore. Sort of silly of me since it could have happened in any of the trees.

leoraw says

Thanks for telling me the difference between sycamores and sweet gums. We have a lot of sycamores on my block and the next, so I learned (sort of) to identify the tree.

I can understand a trauma being associated with something,even if it's not logical. We humans aren't always logical.


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