Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Cookie Contest

Village Green food with cookie
What kind of cookie is this?

Buried in my brown rice post, I asked if you could guess the kind of cookie in the photo. Since no one guessed, I’m re-asking the question in its own post.

So, nu, what kind of cookie is that?

Baila says

I'd say a yummy one.

And I'll get to your Learning Post later.


leoraw says

Finally, a guess! And you are right! But that wasn't what I meant. OK, anyone else care to try?

Baila, thanks for even thinking of reading the Learning Post. It almost didn't get written.

Sara says

It looks like a ginger snap to me...the soft, chewy kind that I used to bake all the time...yummy.

Sara says

....or else peanut butter (can I guess twice)!

sheva says

I also think its a gingersnap, but since your talking brown rice maybe its some kind of spelt applesauce cookie, or a brown rice cookie. I don't know

sara g says

Oatmeal cookie? (It goes with brown rice)

leoraw says

Sara g, thanks for guessing.

And the answer is: Ginger Spelt!
(I wish I had the recipe)

hihorosie says

I was going to say molasses but ginger spelt huh? Looks pretty tasty if you ask me!

Ilana-Davita says

What is ginger spelt?

leoraw says

Ginger is the root vegetable with the strong taste that one uses to make gingerbread cookies, which I have never made but I think are delicious.

Spelt is a relative of wheat, a kind of grain.

How they made that cookie...I would love to know.

phyllis says

sounds really yummy. i do love that restaurant above all others!!! try this recipe?

i just googled it...there were other ones too...

leoraw says

Phyllis, thanks for doing a bit of research on cookie recipes. That one looks like it has possibilities. Hmmm...maybe next week. Only on a day that's not so hot.


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